This section only summarizes the theoretical path of synthesis (without details/detailed instructions of the requirment for a successful reaction run. Experimental detailed details are omitted due to safety concern and legal reasons ) of some certain compounds which are subject to research and development and educational purpose only for individuals and government authoritys. Lets make any field knowladgebase available to all. (Hidding any knowladge in any field from others may strongly be related to paranoid delusional disorder of individual ( for which he already realise that its stands on fragile foundations ) again and again related to mAChRs issues with consequently cognitive decline. ) Any unskilled attempt ( from a safe or technological point of view ) to synthesize any compounds in this theoretical compound thread without prior calculation and consideration of the reaction conditions or safety precautions can lead to explosion, fire, death , permanent or temporary CNS damage , paralysis or other physical damage to themselves and others in the surroundings area, and most of them are hazardous to the environment. 




06.11.2024 21:04

Instead of offer and seting up mobile refrigators loaded ful of Alcoholic bevarage in refrigator in grocery stores or PETROL stations to peoples.  We should rather put refrigators full of Testosterone vials (when? MARS 3000 years ? ) to achieve HQ society. Dont seek for solutions on long term in cannabioids , opiates , stimulants , Alcoholic drugs , Anxiolytics for society cotrol. You should realise that health reference INDEX for free and total Testosterone is set to lower in males and females.  The solution for whole society is "ABSOLUTE MILITRARY COUNTRY"  and obligatory weekly Testosterone therapy for males and females without exceptions ; not like it was with SARS-COV2 vaccination! ; Without caffeine and extreme estrogenic anabolics e.g. Oxymetholone or Tren which primary use case is for : Extreme weight gainers , Agression.

Past Cocaine addictors will most likely love Estrogenic anabolics which interfer with musarinic recptors as well (because they love agression ; like female with boosted estrogen in early pregancy).  Therefore some past cocaine addictors turn to bodybuilding and consumning estrogenic anabolics for their extreme mad body weight muscle gain strenght in fitness and seek for euphoria "I'm powerful im the strongest similar to Cocaine addiction both cocaine and estrogenic anabolics are muscarinic antagonists". Everyone can be everyone with Tren or OXY +fitness+diet. Even 70kg male can consume 10.000kcal per day without any problems while on Tren or Oxy. Please note ; they do not poses magic gens from outer space lol; even YOU can become if you want :) Estrogen should be declared as NEUROTOXIN if in inapropiate ratio with Testosterone ! On Mars you will require high levels of Testosterone to survive. While high Estrogen levels will kill you and screw you up over time mentally and physically. Excess water on tissue due to domination excess of Neurotoxin Estrogen will blow you up. High Estrogen is just like a magnet for water and water retention to your body regardless what you EAT. While Testosterone flat you like a tyre. So I predict you HQ soiety with High Testosterone on Mars. You can start training already on Earth. Before it will be to late.  Until you cannot become absitent of Caffeine , alcohol , Nicotine... for at least 1 year staright. you are far away and not suitable to go to Mars or other interstelar travel lol. You are more suitable for delirium say hello and thanks to your mAChRs. Therefore dont seek solution in synthetic drugs legalisation. Or do you really think you will survive like a blow fish bodybuilder ful of water on Mars ? :D Send me photos would love to see it :D YOUTUBE is just a compass for when society will mature. You can do a test and get injured while taking high estrogen and another time with high testosterone and compare wound healing while taking high testosterone and later while taking high estrogen. You will be shocked. On high estrogen levels you will have tons of inflamattion due to high water retention. However It's not just testosterone, as it has an indirect effect on the stimulation of the IGF1 protein and others bioproceses. PROPOSE TO GOVERNMENT OF SLOVENIA TO LEGALISE TESTOSTERONE CLINIC IN SLOVENIA. 

03.11.2024 17:30

With PRE-step of homologation reaction (extending 4-nitrobenzaldehyde for one carbon to 4-nitrophenylacetaldehyde)

detailed procedure find in previous topics "Synthesis of various substituted aldehydes"

01.11.2024 11:40

No isolation is required in the intermediate stages.

Side products involved (g): CO2 ↑  ,  N2 ↑ , NH3 ↑

31.10.2024 17:51
29.10.2024 13:10

in previously post you have seen weinerb amide synthesis with CDI reagent coupling of R'COOH and its imidazole intermediate formation unlike of CDI and imidazole intermediate ; EDC*HCl coupling reaction of R' COOH, primary gaves you O-acylisourea intermediate and live example of use. ( You should always learn chemistry on live practical use case concept of samples rather than from plain R-marked paper concept ; even if you will never run some certain reaction you need pattern. Doing it vice versa is delirium and path to idiocracy on long term). Which may gain more attractiveness. If you havent achieve no pattern in any field you may find no attractiveness to learn some certain field. 

27.10.2024 18:30

Right-click on photo and press "open image in new tab" for better resolution. Unfortanately photos are not optimised.

Isomerlab d.o.o.

 Naslov: Tržaška cesta 297 A , SI-1000 Ljubljana , Slovenia

 Phone: +386 40 764 332

 Email: info@isomerlab.com

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